Weekly Blog Posts 5

Weekly Blog Posts 5

  • How would you create a PLN prior to engaging a social media campaign on a topic of your choice?

I would create a PLN prior to engaging in a social media campaign by posts my ideas and hearing other’s opinions. The social media that I use the most frequently is Twitter and Instagram. I always post my questions or ideas on social media to expand my PLN. “A PLN is simply an informal group of people who you learn things from on a regular basis ” (Woods, 2013). It is true that because I do get a lot of professional ideas from social media, this is also including academic thoughts. I could see that people recommend books that help our studies. And also exchange ideas on Twitter. #EconTwitter on Twitter gives me many ideas on how to improve my economic studies. “There is no better tool for building your PLN right now than Twitter” (Woods, 2013). According to Woods, when we follow favourite industry experts we can get ideas for other voices to follow. This is my favourite way of creating a PLN prior to engaging a social media.


Woods, Bianca. “Building Your Own PLN: Seeking New Insights and Ideas? Expand Your Personal Learning Network.” T+D (Alexandria, Va.), vol. 67, no. 11, 2013, pp. 70.


  1. Angel Liu

    Hi Yanli,
    I am really appreciated to read your post. I am strongly agree your opnion that the process of engaing and building a personal PLN is start from expressing personal thoughts and seeking for others’ thoughts as well. Asking questions, find your intertests, talk with like-minded strangers are all good ways to expand PLN and finally build your PLN with your interested topics. Thanks for sharing your awesome post!
    Angel Liu

    • yanlixu

      Hi Angel ,
      Thanks for your comment. Yeah , the process of engaging and building a personal PLN is start from exchange ideas and thoughts with each other. This way we can expand our PLN wildly. I am happy to see people strongly agree with my ideas 🙂

  2. 安妮扬

    Hello, YANLI XU, I love what you said about using Twitter or Instagram to develop your PLN. In Woods’s article, he said “There’s no better tool for building your PLN right now than Twitter.” I Total agreed about that. The #EconTwitter is quite useful and interesting. This is the first time I know such a forum exists.

    • yanlixu

      Hi Annie ,
      Thank you for your comment. It is true that Twitter and Instagram really help to develop my PLN and I use them frequently. You can hashtags any information you want to know on Twitter , it is not just limited to Eco !

  3. yrisxx

    Hi Yanli, I will also use Instagram and Twitter daily to post comments and review posts with my personal bloggers. I can also refer to the point from the article where PLN need to establish daily. When I use this social network apps in my daily life, I intend to learn contents on a different subject. For example, I will not only search academic information on the subject but also learn the recipe for making a type of food from my favourite Instagram page. This is very helpful and shows the way of your engagement.

    • yanlixu

      Hello yrisxx , I agree with you that PLN need to establish daily . In. This way , we can always get the newest information and ideas. I find that it is very useful for academic learning . I also noticed that Instagram teach many recipes for making food . The pictures there are so attractive. I hope I can use the recipes to make the delicious food , but I am not that good at cooking . I believe you must learn a lot of recipes from your favorite Instagram page .

  4. yuxitang

    Hello Yanli Xu your blog post is succinctly written! As an economic major myself, I also would like to share my ideas on Twitter using the #EconTwitter. I am not aware that there is such hashtag so when I explored it, I was so amazed that there are a lot of people in Twitter that I could connect with.

    • yanlixu

      Hi yuxitang , many people can connect together with the same academic major and share experience with each other . I am happy to hear that you are using the same way with me ! People also share interest economic topics on Twitter, you must have seen is as well .

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